How to Search and Post Your Trade Leads |
This area allows the grouping of SMEs, going over the dimensional limits and offering concrete possibility to WIN.
Go to “SEARCH FOR PARTNERS” area to identify your partner’s characteristics after indicating localization in one main country or more (up to six) and the kind of activity you are interested in.
The outcome will be a list of ads that follow the criteria you defined
A possibile result could be:
How to fill the form for International company’s partners
This service will allow you to Post online your search to find potential business partners.
Just Go to SUBMIT FORM FOR INTERNATIONAL COMPANY’S PARTNERS and specify all the relevant commercial data, your kind of activity your potential partner localization. The more data you insert the more accurate and positive is the outcome you wish to obtain.
If you are you looking for a CONTRACT, SUBCONTRACT, a SUPPLY or a SUB-SUPPLY in single or in various geographical areas.
This is the right place:
Go to SEARCH FOR WORKS area and select the kind of work and the geographical area you are interested in (up to six countries).
The outcome will be a list of ads that follow the criteria you defined
A possibile result could be:
If you know about an INTERNATIONAL TENDER which is not posted on our platform but you know the existence of and you look for other partners to participate to it.
This is the right place:
Go to SUBMIT FORM INTERNATIONAL WORKS and fill it specifying all the relevant commercial data, the kind of work, the potential geographical area, and the kind of activity you want to do in the joint venture. The more data you insert the more accurate and positive is the outcome you wish to obtain.
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