Affiliates |
Our company operates since 1989 in business consulting to Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), favouring them in their internationalization.
In 1998 we realized that the internet was causing an epochal turn around towards SME favouring them to weave their trade, financial, technological liaisons with other enterprises around the world; benefit up to that moment of Large industries only.
The growing attention of the enterprises to the advantages of the internet, the potential opening up of new markets, the need to find new professional figures who could help enterprises to interact with this new opportunities and needs, convinced us to create World Video Business (WVB).
We are therefore so convinced WVB can give these benefits to SMEs worldwide, that we focused all of our experience and competence on this business creating an apposite technical and commercial structure based on valuable human resources, internal and external.
Let’s measure our success on SMEs success and on the affiliates’ one helping us have them among our clients!
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